Starting NOW - This february for an introductory price of 265.00 I am pleased to announce bounce! with me.
Come and spend the day with me,. Anything that I know and have learnt over the years regarding photography I will share with you.
We will start our time getting to know each other over lunch , following lunch and our question and answer time , we head out on a shoot together, where you can put into practice all of the things we hve just gone over.
We finish up the day back at my place (in Ormeau).
While we upload your photos from our session we will enjoy another meal together and go over our day, and any more questions you may still have.
After dinner you choose 3 of your favourite images that we edit together as little or as much as you like.
Anything that I know about photography and have learnt over the years I will share with you. This day is all about getting to understand your DSLR better, and taking better personal photos, and not just 'more out of focus snapshots' :-)
The introductory price of 265.00 for the day (both meals included) is only available for the first 2 months...So make and complete your booking BEFORE the 31st MARCH to take advantage of this special price.
Remember you can contact me on:
0410 466 580
Become a fan on my Facebook page and send me a message through there.
Keep smiling. Jodie xoxoxox