Mollie is a young model who needed her portfolio updated with some new images....she wanted them a bit edgier (did I spell that right???) and I was in HEAVEN shooting her!
She is such a professional for someone so young and up for just about ANYTHING....
Off we went to the city a couple of weeks ago with all our equipment, some other photographers that were keen to come along and learn and Mollie's BIG suitcase of clothes, shoes, accessories....WHAT a sight we were! hahahaha
'Strolling' around Chinatown and The Valley we just stopped whenever I found a little 'pocket' I liked...and did I mention I was in HEAVEN!!
Mollie (and the girls who accompanied us) were so much fun, even agreeing with me when I told them to bring all the gear into the Unisex public toilet where Mollie was getting changed - because I just "had" to shoot in there....Oh so stinky, but so much amusement for the poor unsuspecting souls who just needed to 'go' hehehehehe
The images I am sharing with you today are sooooooooooo me!!!! I love them and I hope you enjoy seeing them too.
Jodie xoxoxox