What a truly AMAZING workshop. Beth is a truly AMAZING inspiration...and she helped me to bring even MORE colour into my work (and my life)...I now look forward to bringing MORE colour into my clients lives and YOURS!
I'm sharing a selection of images from that workshop today, and in here you'll find my first attempt at boudoir imagery. I have never shot this style before so it took me way out of my comfort zone! But what fun it was!!
A BIG thank you to Ainslie Bernoth from Wild Spirit Photography for organising yet another fabulous workshop, and another BIG thank you to all the models who gave their time to us (Ihope you enjoy your images) and lastly the BIGGEST thank you to Beth for all you gave to me, not only in my work but in my life!!!! Thank you!
The wonderful Beth Jansen. xxx
One of the Boudoir images - such wonderfully brave models - I am full of admiration. xx
These little girls with their gorgeous mum, aunty and Grandmother were just wonderful to photograph...you will see more of them as the post goes on. xxx
This beautiful little girl (and her cheeky little brother) were a ton of fun!!!
This is one of my most recent faves!!!
Don't you just LOVE the van - Thanks again Ainslie (and Mark)
Could she BE any more stunning!
One of Beths' funky little boys - such adorable kids!!!
More boudoir...
You saw this little guys' sister earlier in the post...I LOVED him - SO full of cheek and mischief...F.U.N
Look at this adorable little munchkin. She was the most easy going bub ever.
I didn't take many images on the newborn day, but here is one I love with all the colour.
And just had to finish the post with these DIVINE shoes..... :-))))